- Sheets made of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) resins with high durability and resistance for the safe containment of liquids.
Industrial and urban building

Industrial and urban building includes a wide range of construction work and work phases from foundation to roof.
Geomembranes and geosynthetics offer technical solutions to different challenges encountered during the different stages of construction of building projects, real estate developments, hotels and industrial buildings. From soil stabilization, soft soil reinforcement, platforms, access roads and paved roads, slope erosion control, roof and deck waterproofing, artificial lakes, rainwater storage tanks, drainage, beach protection, to water lines. conduction of fluids, gutters and channels.
The proper use of geosynthetics in industrial and urban buildings allows to solve challenges during construction, reduce costs and take advantage of materials available on site, reduce construction times, reduce environmental impact and carbon footprint.
At G & G® we have the experience for the correct selection of products and the knowledge of the applications in which these materials, geomembranes and geosynthetics, add value to projects in the Industrial and Urban Building sector.
Geomembranes and geosynthetics offer technical solutions to different challenges encountered during the different stages of construction of building projects, real estate developments, hotels and industrial buildings. From soil stabilization, soft soil reinforcement, platforms, access roads and paved roads, slope erosion control, roof and deck waterproofing, artificial lakes, rainwater storage tanks, drainage, beach protection, to water lines. conduction of fluids, gutters and channels.
The proper use of geosynthetics in industrial and urban buildings allows to solve challenges during construction, reduce costs and take advantage of materials available on site, reduce construction times, reduce environmental impact and carbon footprint.
At G & G® we have the experience for the correct selection of products and the knowledge of the applications in which these materials, geomembranes and geosynthetics, add value to projects in the Industrial and Urban Building sector.
related products
- Manufactured by interlacing fibers, threads or filaments of synthetic origin, having as its main characteristic a high tensile strength.
- The most advanced geosynthetics on the market for having better physical, mechanical and hydraulic properties than conventional woven geotextiles.
- Flat, permeable textile materials made by punching short polymer fibers, generally polypropylene or polyester.
- Made of high-strength woven polyester and a PVC coating, they have tensile strength primarily in the longitudinal direction.
- They have the same tensile strength in both directions: longitudinal and transverse, distributing and increasing the load capacity.
- Monolithic units custom fabricated from polypropylene nonwoven geotextiles for high durability and used in engineering works.
- Three-dimensional structures of HDPE strips joined by ultrasonic welding that provide confinement, drainage and structural resistance.
- Innovative geocomposite unique in the market, it is concrete in roll that hardens when hydrated, does not require equipment or specialized labor.
- Biodegradable natural fiber canvases that can be supported by synthetic meshes for erosion control in short-term projects.
- Flexible and permeable synthetic fiber canvases with UV stabilization and high durability, which protect the soil against long-term erosion.
- Polystyrene cores thermoformed in a high resistance columnar shape that allow creating a hydraulic area for the conduction of a fluid.
- Geosynthetics that are placed between base, sub-base or subgrade layers to reduce stresses and extend the life of the asphalt pavement.
- Waterproof sheets made of polyvinyl chloride, additives and plasticizers, whose great flexibility allows it to be adapted to any surface.
- Sheets made of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) resins with high durability and resistance for the safe containment of liquids.
- Waterproof sheets made of polyvinyl chloride, additives and plasticizers, whose great flexibility allows it to be adapted to any surface.
- Geosynthetics that are placed between base, sub-base or subgrade layers to reduce stresses and extend the life of the asphalt pavement.
- Polystyrene cores thermoformed in a high resistance columnar shape that allow creating a hydraulic area for the conduction of a fluid.
- Biodegradable natural fiber canvases that can be supported by synthetic meshes for erosion control in short-term projects.
- Flexible and permeable synthetic fiber canvases with UV stabilization and high durability, which protect the soil against long-term erosion.
- Innovative geocomposite unique in the market, it is concrete in roll that hardens when hydrated, does not require equipment or specialized labor.
- Three-dimensional structures of HDPE strips joined by ultrasonic welding that provide confinement, drainage and structural resistance.
- Monolithic units custom fabricated from polypropylene nonwoven geotextiles for high durability and used in engineering works.
- They have the same tensile strength in both directions: longitudinal and transverse, distributing and increasing the load capacity.
Study cases
- En la industria de la construcción, la impermeabilización eficaz de estructuras es crucial para garantizar durabilidad y rendimiento a lo largo del tiempo. En

- Piedras Negras, Coahuila
- Ventajas de sistema G&G®: Sistema con 10 años de garantía y un tiempo de vida estimada de hasta 25 años. Rápida y fácil instalación. Resistente a los

- Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua
- Se requería proteger contra la erosión y favorecer la conducción de los escurrimientos superficiales generados principalmente por las precipitaciones pluviales. Se planteó utilizar concreto

- Estado de México, México.
- En un centro universitario ubicado en México se tenía una fuente deteriorada por el paso del tiempo y a falta de mantenimiento. Dicha fuente

- Campeche, México.
- Los geotextiles integrales son capaces de brindar funciones de refuerzo y estabilización que promueven la disminución de espesores de materiales granulares de préstamo, resultado

- Mexico
- En este caso de estudio se muestra que el uso de geosintéticos en obras civiles brinda una serie de soluciones como separación, confinamientos, drenaje,

- Ajusco, Tlalpan, CDMX.
- Este caso de estudio muestra que nuestro sistema de impermeabilización para cisternas a base de geomembrana de PVC es ideal para evitar filtraciones de

- Acatlán de Juárez, Jal.
- Se calculó la necesidad de un vaso regulador con una capacidad de 1,500 metros cúbicos recubierto con un material impermeable, resistente y duradero para

- Mexico
- It was required to waterproof installations of an electrical substation of a wind farm in Mexico.