GF electrofusion machines

What is electrofusion?

The electrofusion is a heat bonding process used for thermoplastic pipes and electrofusion fittings. Each accessory is provided with an internal electrical resistance and terminals. As current is applied to the electrical resistance, the coils heat up and cause the internal surface of the fitting and the external surface of the pipe to melt, producing a homogeneous union.

Georg Fischer - GF Piping Systems manufactures a range of electrofusion machines compact and portable, they are made of robust materials, allowing them to be used even in extreme weather conditions. They offer excellent data storage options and can be easily configured without specialized training, as the manual is a reliable guide.

The GF electrofusion machines (Georg Fischer) are used in the installation of drinking water networks, gas installations, fire fighting systems, irrigation systems and mining.


  • Quality housing and components: They have a robust housing and are equipped with high-quality components, so they can be used on construction sites and in all kinds of conditions without any problem.
  • Minimum training required: its intuitive interface allows operators to easily operate these machines and immediately begin to control the fusion welding process.
  • Good data storage: The internal memory in these machines can store hundreds of operational records, allowing full traceability and quick job recall.
  • Configurable workflow: Data entry settings can be configured according to workflow for exceptional reliability in the field.

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