Temporary erosion control mantles

Los Mantos Control de Erosión Temporales están hechos con fibras naturales biodegradables, que pueden estar sujetas por mallas o tramas sintéticas tridimensionales. Tienen una vida útil de entre 3 y 12 meses, generalmente están hechos 100% de fibras naturales como yute, paja, coco, rizos de madera o combinaciones de estos materiales.


Erosion control

Geosynthetics prevent surface erosion of soil particles caused by surface water runoff and / or wind forces. 

Sewer system

It is the function of geosynthetics that allows to collect and transport fluids. They act as drains to conduct flow through less permeable soils.


The permeability of geosynthetics allows the circulation of water through the material, but retaining the soil particles that the flow brings. 


They can be used to coat surfaces, as elements of protection, erosion control, promoters of vegetation, waterproof coating, temporarily or even permanently.


Geosynthetics prevent the mixing of two layers of materials that have different particle distributions, such as gravel and sand, for example, to avoid contamination between them.  



Study cases

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