Woven Geotextile

Woven geotextiles are those that are manufactured by weaving strips of interlocking ribbons, by interlacing two or more fibers, threads or filaments. They can be woven both transversely (weft) and longitudinally (warp) and typically offer excellent inter-aggregate spacing and high tensile strength.

They are mainly used in construction and are mainly applied in railway projects, landing strips, highways and roads, sports fields, retaining walls, embankments or for the stabilization of soft soils that need strong and safe reinforcement.



The geosynthetic material acts by preventing the movement or lateral displacement of materials, either by friction or mechanical interlocking mechanisms depending on their coefficient of interaction. 

Sewer system

It is the function of geosynthetics that allows to collect and transport fluids. They act as drains to conduct flow through less permeable soils.


The permeability of geosynthetics allows the circulation of water through the material, but retaining the soil particles that the flow brings. 


The geosynthetic increases the bearing capacity of the land, acts in conjunction with the structural soil to produce a compound or "geo-soil", which works under tension and improves the resistance and deformation properties of the soil. 


Geosynthetics prevent the mixing of two layers of materials that have different particle distributions, such as gravel and sand, for example, to avoid contamination between them.  



Study cases

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