
Los geosintéticos son materiales plásticos, principalmente fabricados con productos derivados del petróleo, usados en aplicaciones de ingeniería civil y ambiental, geotecnia o mecánica de suelos; utilizados para mejorar, cambiar o mantener las propiedades del suelo con el que interactúan. Otra definición es que son productos planos fabricados de material polimérico, usados con suelos, rocas u otros materiales de ingeniería geotécnica (ASTM D 4439).Se usan en infinidad de proyectos arquitectónicos, urbanísticos o de ingeniería. Su principal característica es que son inertes (ambientalmente seguros), ya que no contaminan el medio ambiente, protegen el suelo o le agregan nuevas propiedades al terreno donde son colocados.
Los geosintéticos se agrupan en categorías de acuerdo con sus características y funciones. G&G® comercializa una gran variedad de productos dentro de cada categoría.


Geotextiles       see more

Geogrids       see more

Geocostals       see more

Concrete canvas       see more

Erosion control mantles      see more

Geodrenes     see more

Geosynthetics Interlayer Paving    see more

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Geotubes    see more


The geomembranes They are geosynthetic sheets made from thermoplastic or thermoset polymers, which have the particularity of presenting a high level of impermeability, offering an excellent level of containment (barrier). The geomembranes are resistant to UV rays, manufactured exclusively from virgin resins that guarantee constant characteristics and optimum durability. They are resistant to swelling, roots, rottenness and aging. They have a high level of tightness even under permanent deformation. They are specially designed to ensure the watertightness of a surface, since it prevents the passage of substances and materials, they act as a barrier to fluids, liquids and vapors.


The different types of geomembranes that exist can be classified by their structure (homogeneous or reinforced), their finish (smooth or textured) or by their main component. The last category is the one most used to distinguish them since, depending on their composition, they are more or less suitable for certain applications.


PVC geomembranes      see more

TPO geomembranes     see more

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Polyethylene and Polypropylene Geomembranes   see more

McElroy hot melt      see more

GF electrofusion machines    see more

Accessories    see more

Thermal insulation

Asphalt waterproofing

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