PP geomembrane: ATARPOL


The ATARAPOL PP Geomembrane It is made of Polypropylene (PP), which is a material in which a high flexibility coincides, as well as a very high chemical resistance, in all similar to that of HDPE. Therefore, it is a characteristic material for protection applications against corrosion or storage in tanks and deposits of certain aggressive, corrosive or polluting chemicals in general, but where in turn a flexible product is needed.

Its main uses are in floating covers for the protection of water or safe containment of dangerous fluids, and reservoirs with special requirements for chemical resistance in industry or mining.

BENEFITS: The ATARPOL PP geomembranes make a difference:

  • Waterproof
  • Lower density than water to be able to float
  • Resistance to chemical attack
  • UV resistance
  • Mechanical strength
  • Installation quality control

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